
Image 7

We use a different Method to make Forecasts than most Companies do:

- 95% of Companies on the Market use the Min / Max, "Point of Order", or Manual Control Forecasting Methodology, which Leads to Inadequate Inventories Levels;

- When a Product is Unavailable for a Long Time, it is Impossible to Predict its Sales;

- The Greater the Difference between Min & Max is, the Greater the Inventory Stock and the Lower the Turnover;

- Less Popular Goods can sit in the Storehouse for more than 3 Months.

Image 9

Control Center - From Small Companies to Large Corporations:

- Easy to manage and very Powerful Levers;

- Autopilot in more than 95% of Cases;

- Quickly Identify the Most Problematic Areas.

Image 8

The Surplus Adequacy System:

- Surplus adequacy is the Driving Force behind Isbaltic;

- The principle of Aircraft Control at a Given Height Operation;

- Ensuring Product Availability at the Right Time.

Image 10

Assortment Management:

- Offer most Profitable Positions;

- Manage the Whole Bin;

- Remove Slowly Sold Positions;

- Work 24/7 Automatically.

Image 11

Stock Management:

- Optimized stock;

- Popular Products are Always Available;

- Isbaltic works with the Current ERP Systems.

Image 12

Production Management:

- Dynamic and Unified System of Priorities in Production;

- End-to-end System of Priorities from Raw Materials and Materials Warehouses, to Finished Products in Distributor's Warehouse;

- Capacity Planning and Accurate Delivery Dates for Customers.

Image 13

Improvement of Process:

- Identification of Current Limitations;

- Help Determining the Strategy;

- Help Implementing the Tactics.