
Image 14
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- Analyzing the Current Environment (what to change?);

- Determining a New Environment (changing what for what?);

- Simulation of the New Environment and comparing it with the Current Efficiency (what will be the results?);

- Planning the Changes (how to make the changes?).

Image 16

Pilot project:

- Demonstrating results based on Isbaltic (managing 10 to 30 pharmacies and comparing with current performance results);

- Determining requirements for scaling Isbaltic (Creating a test environment to confirm the success of Isbaltic throughout the whole chain);

Image 17

Implementing Solutions:

- Team Building;

- Creating Control Center;

- Fast Implementation;

- Results after 1 to 3 months;

- Pays back in less than 6 months.

Image 18

Improvement of Process:

- Identifying Current Limitations;

- Help Determining a Strategy;

- Help Deciding Tactics;

- Help Executing.